Posts In: Arab Israeli conflict

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Gaza protest

The Campus Protests: Repugnant but Necessary

I’m a long-time mainstream moderate with rather unoriginal views about the Israel-Palestine conflict.  For many…

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First They Make Brooklyn Too Expensive, Now This!

The Guardian reports: “Airbnb is listing dozens of properties located in Jewish settlements on occupied…

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Why This Demonstrates That One-State is Delusional

Over the four years I’ve been making “Holy Land” and engaged in the issues around…

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Haaertz’s Anshel Pfeffer of Third Intifada

“Hopefully it will take just a few days of relative calm and we will once…

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Critique of new Six Day War documentary

From a skeptical perspective, a negative and extremely detailed critique of an upcoming doc about…

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In-Depth Profile of Rights Group B’Tselem

For 25 years, the human-rights group B’Tselem has diligently catalogued the violations of its own…

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CIA and Mossad killed senior Hezbollah figure in car bombing

“With the exception of the 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden, the mission marked one…

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QOD: NYT on Covering Israel Palestine Conflict

“The Times will never satisfy everyone with its coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict — no…

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Quotes of the Day: Ikea, Sweden and Israel

This from YNET news. “The Swedish government should understand that Middle East relations are more…

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